Help I messed up! I trashed a page by mistake

Let’s say you accidentally delete a Page or Post only to realize you shouldn’t have… Well, it’s not so bad. The Page or Post will stay in the “Trash” until you empty the trash manually. Here’s how you restore...


Certain areas on your web page are using “Widgets” to automatically display dynamic (not static) content. In order to get to the Widgets control panel, you need to log in to your WordPress site using the Admin access. Please contact your web developer if...

Screen Options

Some of the instructions here might ask you to find a specific area on your screen. If you are in the correct screen and don’t see the requested area, the area might be “turned off” in the Screen Options. To turn an area on, do the following: In most...

Adding a custom widget

If you need to add something custom to your sidebar or another widget area (something that doesn’t come with a plugin), this is one way of doing this. In this case, we are adding a button with a link to the Primary Sidebar. Open a new post. Add your button as an...

Post Categories

If your website has a blog, you might want to separate your blog posts — or content — into categories to help people find what they are interested in quicker. Let’s say you post information about travel. Then you might want your subject to be...